How to Pay for College
Our first priority at Urban College of Boston is your success! That includes helping you understand how to fund your education. Did you know, most Urban College of Boston students graduate debt-free?!
We can assist you in determining which financing options best fit your needs.
Urban College has several funding options including:
federal financial aid,
federal grants,
state grants,
state scholarships,
free community college programs,
and payment plans.
Most financial support at Urban College is grant aid for those who qualify. This means it doesn't need to be paid back. Most grant eligibility is determined by information provided in the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend that you complete the FAFSA as soon as possible so we can determine what types of grant funding, is available to you.
You can also use our Net Price Calculator to estimate a personalized calculation of your costs. To complete the FAFSA follow the steps below in the "Apply for Federal Financial Aid" section.
Your Financial Services Specialist is here to help you understand all available options! Contact us with questions at
There are several options for funding your Urban College degree or certificate. Watch this video to learn more!
Financial Aid Deadlines and Important Dates:
Urban College of Boston operates on a semester based calendar with starts every Fall, Spring and Summer. Students should use the important date calendars to understand financial deadlines and how these dates can affect the outcome of their funding.
+ Fall 2024 Important Dates
+ Spring 2025 Important Dates
+ Summer 2025 Important Dates
Types of Funding:
Grants & Scholarships
++ Institutional Grant
Urban College awards financial assistance in the form of institutional aid up to a maximum of $200 per course to eligible students. These funds are considered a grant and do not need to be repaid.
♦ Students who receive Pell, FSEOG or MASS Grant awards and still have a balance will have their remaining tuition
covered by institutional aid.
♦ Students who receive only partial Pell, FSEOG or MASS Grant awards can apply to have institutional grants
applied to their remaining balance.
♦ Students who are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid or other State/City grant programs, must apply for the
institutional grant to cover a portion of their tuition.
To apply for this grant, students must complete the Institutional Grant Application.
++ Massachusetts Grant (MASSGrant)
MassGrants are awarded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to eligible full-time students.
MassGrant Plus are awarded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to eligible part-time students who complete at least six (6) but fewer than 12 credits for the Fall and Spring terms.
These funds are considered a grant and do not need to be repaid. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the deadline indicated on the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) website to be considered.
For more information about this scholarship and eligibility requirements, review the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education MASSGrant and MASSGrant Plus program page or email our office at
++ State of Massachusetts Early Childhood Educators (ECE) Scholarship
The ECE Scholarship “is designed to provide financial assistance for currently employed early childhood and ‘out of school time’ educators and providers who enroll in an associate, bachelor or masters’ degree program in Early Childhood Education or related programs.”
These funds are considered a scholarship and do not need to be repaid. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the deadline indicated on the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) website along with the ECE Application to be considered.
For more information about this scholarship and eligibility requirements, review the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education's ECE Scholarship Program page or email our office at
++ State of Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship
The Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship Program was established by the Legislature to encourage degree completion in high demand fields to address the workforce needs of the Commonwealth. The Scholarship supports students pursuing majors in designated disciplines and showing high levels of commitment and academic achievement.
These funds are considered a scholarship and do not need to be repaid. Funds are administered by the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), a division of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.
Students must meet specific qualifications to be eligible. Students can refer to the Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship FAQ or the MASS OSFA website for more information.
Eligible programs at Urban College are:
* Associates Early Childhood Development
* Certificate Clinical Research Coordination
* Certificate Early Childhood Development
For questions, you can email our office at
Other Scholarship Opportunities
These websites contain a wealth of outside scholarship opportunities.
Special Assistance Financing
Tuition Free Community College Plan
The City of Boston program covers up to three years of tuition and fees for eligible students. In general, students may be eligible if:
♦ Be a Boston resident.
♦ Maintain a 2.0 GPA
♦ Enroll in an approved short-term certificate program at a partner college.
♦ Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid*
*Students who are undocumented, CADA students, or have TPS, do not need to complete the FAFSA to receive financial support through TFCC. All Boston residents regardless of citizenship status are eligible to apply for TFCC.
Covered Cost
The following costs are covered for most TFCC students:
♦ Tuition and mandatory fees remaining after financial aid has been applied
♦ $250 each semester for up to three years of college-related expenses such as books or transportation.
TFCC payments are applied to student accounts after the semester's add/drop period. For information about semester add/drop dates, please refer to the Urban College Course Catalog.
How to Apply
Once you have applied to one of the Urban College-approved short-term certificate programs, your advisor will flag your account and provide you with the Boston Tuition Free Community College Application for completion. Funds are limited so we encourage students to complete the application and FAFSA (if eligible) as soon as possible.
Private Funding
Employer Support
Some companies offer employees Tuition reimbursement. The employer with either pay the school directly, which is Employer Support or will pay the employee after courses are completed, which is Employer Reimbursement. If the employer will pay Urban College Directory for the cost of tuition. Urban College requires that the Employer Tuition Support form be completed prior to the start of classes. If the employer reimburses after courses are completed, students will need to speak to our Financial Services Team by calling (617) 449-7429 or email us at to set up another type of payment source to cover the cost of attendance.
Student Payment
Urban College allows students to make payment arrangements for tuition they cannot pay in full. These payment plans allow students to pay off tuition balances over the course of the semester. Urban College also accepts all major credit cards, checks, or money orders. If you are interested in one of these payment methods, please contact our Business Office by emailing
Federal Financial Aid
++ Federal Pell Grant
A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Federal Pell Grants are awarded to students who are eligible based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The amount you receive will also depend on your status as a full-time or part-time student.
Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for these funds.
* UCB School Code: 031305
For more information about the Pell Grant and eligibility requirements, review the Federal Student Aid website or contact our Financial Services Department at
++ Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
The FSEOG program is designed to assist undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Priority funding is given to students who are eligible to recieve Federal Pell Grant and who have the lowest Student Aid Index (SAI). Urban College of Boston FSEOG awards range from $100 to $300 per semester. These funds do not have to be repaid. Funding is limited in this grant program and early application is important.
Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for these funds.
* UCB School Code: 031305
For more information about the FSEOG Grant and eligibility requirements, contact the Financial Services Department at
++ Federal Subsidized & Unsubsidized Loans
These are fixed-rate student loans to help pay for a students cost of their education. The lender of the loan will be the US Department of Education. The Direct Student Loan programs offer the following types of loans for students in eligible programs:
o Direct Subsidized Loan
Available to eligible undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. The US Department of Education pays the interest on a Direct Subsidized Loan while the student is in school at least halftime, and for the first six months after the student leaves the institution.
o Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Available to eligible undergraduate and graduate students. In order to be eligible, the student does not need to demonstrate financial need. Unlike the Direct Subsidized Loan, the interest begins accruing once the loan disburses on the student’s account. Repayment of the loan begins six months after a student is no longer maintaining a minimum enrollment status of halftime.
Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for these funds.
* UCB School Code: 031305
You are not required to apply for student loans. Urban College packages students up to their direct cost of tuition (Tuition and Fees). Students who wish to borrow more then their direct cost of attendance must email the Financial Services Department at to make a request for additional funding.
++ Federal Work Study
Urban College participates in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program, which is a need-based award that allows students to work on campus and, in some cases, off campus to help pay for their educational expenses.
Interested students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), qualify for FWS, and be enrolled in at least six credits per semester. FWS wages do not need to be repaid.
* UCB School Code: 031305
For more information about the FWS and eligibility requirements, contact the Financial Services Department at
How to Apply:
Most state and federal grant programs will require the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility. It is important to get your FAFSA done early as some grant funding is limited. To get started, follow the steps below.
+ Apply for Financial Aid
Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can complete your FAFSA online at Please be sure to include Urban College on the list of schools who should receive your information. Urban College's school code is 03105. It usually takes 3-5 business days for Urban to receive your FAFSA information once it has been submitted.
Complete the Online Financial Aid Portal. Once you have been accepted to Urban College, you will need to complete the online financial aid portal. Most students will need to provide additional information to recieve their official award.
Review your Financial Aid Award. Once your financial aid has been awarded, you will receive an email to return to the financial aid portal to review your financial aid eligbility. Your financial aid information is based on credits enrolled for your first semester and subject to change if courses are dropped prior to disbursement.
You are not required to apply for student loans. If you do apply for student loans, you will need to complete the Master Promissory Note at Urban College packages students up to their direct cost of tuition (Tuition and Fees). Students who wish to borrow more then their direct cost of attendance must email the Financial Services Department at to make a request for additional loan funding.
+ Professional Judgment
Students may request a Professional Judgement review for Unusual and Special Circumstances that apply specifically to them or their family situation. Urban College will review all Professional Judgement requests. Professional Judgement decisions are determined on a case-by-case basis. All decisions are final and may not be appealed. Contact our Financial Services Department to discuss your situation at
Unusual Circumstances refer to conditions where a student’s dependency status may be adjusted based on a unique situation, such as homelessness or parent information cannot be provided.
Special Circumstances refer to financial situations that may adjust information within their Cost of Attendance calculation or FAFSA. Examples of Special Circumstances include unemployment, changes to income, and additional allowances included in their Cost of Attendance.
A Professional Judgment cannot be requested unless Urban College has received a students FAFSA.
Issues That May Affect Your Aid:
Financial aid awards are subject to change if any of the factors used to calculate your eligibility from the FAFSA change after the date of the original application. It is the student’s responsibility to understand these and adhere to these guidelines.
+ Enrollment Status
Urban strongly advises students to consult with the Financial Services Department before making any adjustments to their schedule.
Registering for Classes and Schedule Adjustments The deadline to add or drop courses for semester classes and be eligible for financial aid consideration is the last day of the add/drop period. Students are encouraged to review the [Academic Calendar] 1located in Urbans the College's Course Catalog for more information on deadline dates.
- Dropping course(s) during add/drop will not incur a tuition charge and all Federal Finacial Aid will be adjusted.
- Dropping all courses during add/drop will not incur a tuition charge and all Federal Financial Aid will be cancelled.
- Students who attended a course that is dropped during the add/drop period will be considered for a Post Withdrawal Disbursement if eligible. Reach out to our Financial Services Team if you are considering adjusting your schedule.
- If you drop below at least half time ( six credits) your financial aid will be adjusted or cancelled.
- Adding courses after the add/drop period will not increase your financial aid eligblity and could leave you with a balance on your account not covered by your original federal financial aid award.
+ Satisfactory Academic Progress
The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges to determine whether financial aid is being utilized effectively to assist you to achieve your goal of attaining a degree or certificate. The U.S. Department of Education wants funds awarded to students who are academically progressing towards achieving this goal.
It is the responsability of the Urban College Financial Services Department to monitor each financial aid applicant's academic progress at the end of each semester to confirm if the student is meeting academic success to continue to recieve federal financial aid.
To learn more about Urban's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy, please refer to the SAP policy section in the Academic Course Catalog
+ Withdrawals
Financial aid awards are based on student eligibility and enrollment level at the end of the semesters drop period. Student scheduled changes can affect the amount of federal financial aid a student may recieve after this point. Refer to the Academic Calendar in the Academic Course Catalog or you can refer to the Financial Aid Deadlines and Important date section.
Withdrawal from a Course
Students that are enrolled in multiple courses and withdraw from one course during a semester will generally not see signficant changes to their funding, but students who withdrawal from multiple courses may see increased implications of withdrawing as follows:
Financial Implications
♦ If you recieved Federal Financial Aid (Grants, FWS or loans), MassGrant or any other grant and scholarship that has credit
hour requirements, your funds will be reviewed to determine if you earned the total amount that was disbursed.
♦ Urban College is required to return any ineligible funding and as a result could leave a balance on the students account in
which the student is responsible to repay.
♦ A students Satisfacotry Academic Progress will be affect by withdrawing from courses within the semester and could result
in a student losing their eligbility to recieve Federal Financial Aid.
Withdrawal from Urban College
Students who withdraw from all classes for which they are registered during a semester may have their federal and state aid award recalculated. This is done in compliance with federal and state regulations. The percentage of aid earned is determined by dividing the number of days a student was enrolled by the number of days in the semester. If the student withdraws from all courses after they have attended 60 percent of the semester, Title IV aid is viewed as 100 percent earned and no adjustments will be made. Students that withdraw before the 60 percent point of the semester may owe a balance to the Urban College and arrangements must be made with the Business Office to repay these funds.
If you are concerned about the impact withdrawing from a course may have on your financial aid award, please contact the Financial Services Department at
+ Rights and Responsabilities
As a Financial Aid Recipient, students have the right to:
♦ know what financial assistance is available to you, including all federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
♦ know the deadlines for submitting applications for applicable financial aid programs and the process required.
♦ know how your financial need is determined, including how cost of attendance budgets are developed.
♦ an explanation of the types of aid contained in your financial aid award as well as how to retain eligibility for those funds (if applicable).
♦ request a review of your current financial situation to determine if you meet certain criteria based on changes since
filing the current aid year FAFSA application.
♦ know what portion of your aid package is grant or gift aid, and what portion must be repaid. In addition, you have the right to know interest rates, total amount to be repaid, procedures for repayment, when repayment begins, and how long you have to repay the loan.
♦ know the criteria for continued financial aid eligibility, including guidelines for the determination of Satisfactory Academic
Progress as defined by the Department of Education. Refer to Satisfactory Academic Progress section of the Academic
Course Catalog for more information about how SAP is determined.
♦ know the method and frequency of financial aid disbursements.
As a Financial Aid Recipient, students are responsible for:
♦ being aware of your ability to pay any institutional charges based on your available financial aid and personal resources.
♦ review and understand the terms and conditions of your financial aid award.
♦ complete all requirements accurately, in a timely manner, and by the stated deadlines.
♦ inform the Financial Services Department if you intend to enroll less than full time for any given term so that your aid can be
properly adjusted and disbursed.
♦ inform the Financial Services Department of any outside scholarships, assistantships, or additional resources that you
♦ fill out the FAFSA application completely and accurately. If selected for verification you will provide all requested documents
in a timely manner, and ensure that all submitted materials are true and correct.
♦ read and understand all forms that you are asked to submit or sign, realizing that you are legally responsible for all
agreements that you sign.
♦ know and comply with all policies and procedures of Urban College of Boston.
♦ know and understand all semester deadline dates.
♦ know and understand how dropping courses or withdrawing from Uban College of Boston can affect your funding.
♦ manage your financial aid experience.
The office of Financial Services may be reached by email or by phone at (617) 449-7070, option 3.