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Great opportunity for all UCB students:

Yiming Shuang will be hosting two free virtual career workshops.

The workshops are being held on resume, networking, and remote job search. 

Tuesday, 5/17 at 6 pm: Create a rockstar resume to land a WFH job. Here is the registration link:

Wednesday, 5/18 at 6 pm: Build connections to land a WFH job. Registration link:

Hope you can join!


Attention Early Childhood Students:

The Boston Opportunity Agenda has a survey out in the field right now for early childhood educators in Massachusetts to get a better sense of their characteristics and challenges. Any early educator, assistant, or administrator who has worked or is working in a center or family childcare is eligible. They have already had several hundred responses but would like to strive for a few more. 

The survey is of course confidential. It takes about 20 minutes.

Here is the link to the survey.  It is also described on the BOA website here.

Please take some time and complete the survey.

Our Office



Rosana Perella, Director of Student Services and Support, may be reached by email or by phone at 617-449-7380.